الجمعة، 7 يناير 2022

مشروع نظام ملاحظات أعضاء هيئة التدريس عبر الإنترنت في Asp.Net

  Online Student Faculty Feedback System Project in Asp.net 


روابط التنزيل


لقد قمنا بتطوير نظام ملاحظات موظفي الطلاب لتقديم الملاحظات بطريقة سهلة وسريعة لمدير الكلية وهود. لذلك نسميها نظام ملاحظات الموظفين الطلاب الذي يتم توصيله عبر واجهة طاقم الطلاب كنظام عبر الإنترنت يعمل كمزود خدمة باستخدام هذه التكنولوجيا ، يمكننا تقديم ملاحظات سريعة حول الموظفين من قبل الطلاب في الوقت المحدد لرؤساء الأقسام كما أشاروا عبر الإنترنت النظام. يحتوي هذا المشروع على أربعة أنواع من المستخدمين "الطلاب والموظفون" و "Hod’s" و "المدير". يمكن للطالب إبداء ملاحظاته في نظام عبر الإنترنت يقدمه موظفو الكلية. يمكن أن يقوم أول فريق العمل بإعداد الأسئلة وإضافة وتحديث هذه الأسئلة إلى النظام عبر الإنترنت. بعد ذلك تمت مشاهدته من قبل الطلاب ويمكنهم تقديم ملاحظات حول المحاضرين. تم فحص تقرير التعليقات هذا من قبل Hod’s. يمكنه عرض الدرجات والاطلاع على الدرجات التي حصل عليها المحاضرون وتقديم هذا التقرير إلى مدير المدرسة وتقديم المشورة لموظفي الكلية.


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Free download of Academic and Live Project in Asp.Net Visual Basic 6, VB .NET, C#,Android,Php,Java, SQL Server Source Code for final year college student , project submission of BE, BCA, MCA, MBA, MTech, MS, BSC-IT with complete synopsis, flow chart, DFD, requirement, documentation. Academic and Live Project for your final year studies are available for free download here. Projects In Visual Basic 6, VB .NET , C#, ASP.NET, PHP, ANDROID, JAVA, Programming C,C++ SQL Server Source Code for final year college student. Project submission of BE, BCA, MCA, MBA, MTech, MS, BSC-IT with complete Source Code, Synopsis, Flow chart, DFD, Requirement, Documentation. get more than 1000 unique academic project idea in different programming languages. Download this project concept, abstract, SRS, source code to complete project for IGNOU, SMU, DOEACC University and college submission. 



Web based user inteface with ease of use Developed in ASP.NET.  

Preferred Technologies:

Visual Studio 2010 Web Browser MS SQL Database Server 5.1.37 Windows 7 / Vista / XP sp3 / Linux Fedora 14  

Online Faculty Feedback  Project Contains: 


Cut your time – by giving feedback on online system when compared to the manual process this saves time of user.

Manage the entire process – the entire process of giving feedback and viewing that report after giving feedback can manage easily

Enhance the staff – find the details about the lecturer’s interest in teaching to the students

Meet web standards – an easy to use system that successfully combines form with function Using the latest Microsoft technology, the .Net framework and ASP.Net, our system is a complete feedback management and staff interaction system with built-in features proofing that easily supports Integration with the latest student staff feedback system providers This system is designed to be simple to use, simple to understand and easy to implement and configure to fit. It is provided as an Application Service Provision thus offering low setup costs.


Coming to the existing system the feedback is done by manual process. In the existing system students can give feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. By this process. Student can give feedback in online system without waste his time in writing. After giving feedback by every student. Papers are collected by the Hod’s and calculate the overall grade for each subject and each lecturer. After that those all grade report is viewed by the principal which is given by the Hod’s. Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving counseling to college staff. So, the existing system is carries more time to do a piece of work for this reason the online system feedback is implemented. This is the major advantage of the existing system for giving feedback about the Lecturers and viewing report of lecturers.


Here we aimed to design online web application for issuing the feedback about the lecturers by students, this is named as student staff feedback system. Student Staff feed Back System to provide feedback in a easy and quick manner to the college principal and Hod’s. So we call it as Student Staff Feedback System which delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a Service Provider By using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staff by students on time to head of departments as they referred in online system. This project has four kinds of users Student, Staff, Hod’s, and Principal. The student can give feedback in online system provided by college staff. First of staff can prepare questions and add, update these questions to the online system. After that it was viewed by the students and can give feedback about the lecturers. These feedback reports were checked by the Hod’s. He can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to the college staff As compared to the manual system, online system is very simple to use and also understand.


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